World Comic Book Review

24th April 2024

A Note on Alan Moore’s Retirement from Comics and Cinema Purgatorio #1

Alan Moore’s Cinema Purgatorio #1 (review)
Avatar Press, April 2016
Writers: Alan Moore, Garth Ennis, Max Brooks, Kieron Gillen, and Christos Gage

In its introductory pages, “Cinema Purgatorio” #1 essentially describes the strange existence of the cinema-goer: divorced of everyday reality, watching the realities of someone else but unable to intervene, somewhere in-between. It is a state of powerlessness and disconnectedness. If purgatory exists, then the existential ambiguity of the movie theatre would most likely describe it.

On 9 September 2016, the man behind “Cinema Purgatorio”, acclaimed British comic book writer Alan Moore, announced that he was retiring from writing comic books.

What does that mean for this title?

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