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Tag: #horrorcomics

A Walk Through Hell (review)

Early on, during the point where The Pandemic was still just “That thing that’s like the flu, but a little worse” in the minds of most U.S. Americans, a book written by Garth Ennis with art by Goran Sudzuka, was quietly released in a market glutted with many works and a lot of horror competing for the eyeballs and off hours of readers across the world.

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Mixed Feelings Book 1(review)

Writer and Artist: Declan Miller Stick Mob / Gestalt Publishing / Indigenous Literacy Foundation, 2021 This comic, written and drawn by Declan Miller, is set

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Forgotten Hymns #1 (review)

Writer and creator: Andrew Guilde Art: Isaac Perez PMB Comics, 2020 Schlock horror is the equivalent of eating out-of-date chocolate. You screw your nose up

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Night Issue Zero (review)

Writers: Deain Akande and Julian Clay Art: João Bosco Released: January, 2021 The intersection between superheroes and horror is well-explored. Superheroes, at least at the

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Murky Waters: Tales from Beneath (review)

Writer: Christian CarnoucheArt by:Ariela KristantinaMaan HouseDonna A BlackAlex DiottoChristian DibariIain LaurieIsmael HernandezJ. ShiekMatthew Dow SmithSachi EdiriweeraDevmalya Pramanik Carnouche Productions, 2020 As the sheer number of

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British Ice (review)

Writer and artist: Owen D. Pomery Top Shelf Productions, 2020 In this age of republics, the absolutism of “Empire” seems like an archaic concept. Empires

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House of Sweets (review)

Writer: Fraser Campbell Art: Iain Laurie Cabal Comics, September 2019 This is a nasty, disturbing horror story published under the independent imprint, Cabal Comics. Written

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